Friday, March 26, 2021

The other shot in the arm we all need – spring color!

Yes, it’s spring but I’m still waiting for the big emotional lift I get from BLOOMS, the great masses of them that thrill me every spring and I know will thrill me THIS spring more than ever. Speaking for the world, we NEED this!

In that light, I searched my photo files of April blooms at the public gardens around Washington, D.C., and selected my favorites for your viewing pleasure, starting with fields of tulips at Brookside Gardens

Tulips create more photo-ops at the Franciscan Monastery.

In this obviously pre-covid photo by Carolyn  Mullet, magnolia blooms draw crowds to the Smithsonian Gardens. 

At Dumbarton Oaks, perennial borders are surprisingly packed with bulbs.

Elsewhere in Dumbarton Oaks, a forsythia-lined walkway. I love how they’re pruned – minimally.

 Above, spring-flowering trees and a splash of daffodil color at Hillwood Museum and Gardens,

Hillwood also goes ALL OUT in its display of tulips, massed with azaleas and rhododendrons.

That’s all for now. I’ll be back with more spirit-lifting shots from May, when hopefully we’ve all had our life-saving shots in the arm. I got mine two weeks ago!

The other shot in the arm we all need – spring color! originally appeared on GardenRant on March 26, 2021.

The post The other shot in the arm we all need – spring color! appeared first on GardenRant.

Via Gardening

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